Rosso Verona Marble Granules

Il Rosso Verona o Rosso Ammonitico Veronese is the finest marble in the Verona province, and is considered the red marble by definition. Known all over the world for its characteristic colour, with tones ranging from light brick red to pink red. It is the bottom layer of the quarries located in the Verona hills, which have a stratigraphic conformation due to the sequence of the geological eras, the same where Rosa Corallo and Bianco Verona marbles are extracted.





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Granule Sizes Available

Sample Delivery Terms

Sample Stock Availability

We reserve the right not to send all or part of the samples which may either be out of stock or if the material is discontinued. In these unlikely cases, we reserve the right not to send out the samples. For urgent and important sample requests, please contact a member of our team to check the availability and delivery timing.


For the samples of all our standard range products we mostly provide honed or polished finishes. For other bespoke finishes, please contact us directly as there may be minimum productions and extra costs involved.


Sizes of the samples may vary due to stock availability, and we cannot guarantee fixed sizes for any of our samples.